Is the metaphorical rope tying you down like the elephant?

Dec 23

Anita Srinivasan

Our mind is a powerful thing. Our thoughts turn into perceptions, and our perceptions shape our beliefs.


Due to life experiences, traumas, and mental stress, we raise barriers in our minds as a defense mechanism, which turn into the ropes that hold us back like the elephant.

Are you confused about the elephant analogy? Keep reading to know the whole story.

There was once a man who lived near an elephant camp. He would watch the animals come and go and did not pay much attention to them.

One day, as he was walking across the camp, he came across an elephant tied to a simple rope. The elephant was not in a cage or held back with thick metal chains, yet it was not moving or trying to escape.

The man asked the elephant trainer why the animal was not trying to get free. The trainer explained that the elephants came to the camp at a young age, and they used to tie them with the same ropes. These ropes were enough to prevent them from fleeing. Their belief system made them feel from a young age that escaping was not an option, and they did not attempt to break free despite growing strong in stature.

We represent the elephant in this story. The ropes are the destructive voices in our heads that prevent us from breaking out of mental barriers.

Due to people’s perceptions, self-limiting thought patterns, and insecurities, we tend to hold ourselves back from going after what we want to achieve. We question our capabilities and strengths and believe in our weaknesses and warped self-perceptions to be true.

Don’t be like the elephant that remained tied to the same rope and did not realize its potential.

Practicing mindfulness techniques, listening to motivational podcasts, speaking positive affirmations, and concentrating on your strengths, can help you break out of these mental barriers.

Surrounding yourself with a supportive and positive group of people can help you change your altered beliefs and make you feel confident about your capabilities.

Sharing your thoughts and feelings without inhibitions can also help you in this journey of reaching your full potential.

To help you express yourself without inhibitions, we at Unreveald provide a non-toxic and judgment-free platform to help you connect with like-minded people. You can post your small everyday achievements, the challenges you have overcome, or new habits you have decided to adopt to better yourself.

You can also provide support and encouragement to people who are undergoing a difficult phase in life.

Log on to Unreveald and share your story to inspire and change a life!

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