Live your life in the “present” with mindfulness.

Jan 24

Anita Srinivasan

Mindfulness is having an awareness of what is happening in the present moment and accepting one’s own thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Practicing mindfulness can go a long way in improving one’s mental health.


People who have adopted mindfulness practices have noticed-

  • Reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Improved memory, focus and mental processing speed.
  • Ability to manage emotions effectively.
  • Reduced rumination- dwelling and overthinking about something repeatedly.

Being mindful does not have to be an elaborate chore but taking simple steps can help a beginner gain confidence in dealing with their thoughts.

Here are some ways you can start your mindfulness journey:


  • Avoid using your phone first thing in the morning, instead start the day with a brisk walk, spend time in nature, go for a run or indulge in a guided mindfulness meditation session.


  • Incorporate breathing techniques into your morning routine. There are several breathing exercises one can start with like deep breathing, pranayama techniques, box breathing and so on.


  • Listen to music that puts you in a good mood or watch movies that you connect with on a personal level.
  • Observe how you feel while listening to a particular genre of music or while watching a specific movie scene. These exercises can help you align your thoughts with your emotions.


  • Use calming aromatherapy oils and bath products in your favorite scent to unwind after a busy day. Smells calm our mind and help relieve stress. Rejuvenating the mind and body is one of the important aspects of practicing mindfulness.


  • Celebrate yourself as you are right now. Write down things that you are proud of and like about yourself. Develop the habit of journaling every day. You can write about what you are grateful for or what you have accomplished throughout the day.
  • Enveloping yourself in positivity keeps negative self-talk out of your mind and boosts your confidence and self-esteem.


  • Eat your meals without distractions from electronic gadgets. Have real conversations during mealtimes and take notice of the flavors and textures of your food. Choose dishes that you love and have a fulfilling dining experience.


  • A clean life leads to a clean mind. An organized space helps you focus on your thoughts and prevents you from feeling overwhelmed. Be it your home or your workspace, try to arrange things the way you like and avoid clutter.


  • There are many habit tracking and meditation apps available online that can help you select a mindfulness technique that is most suited to your lifestyle. Choose an app which is easy to use and has a pleasant user interface

Caring for yourself and your mental health should be a priority in your life. Taking time out every day for some “me” time makes life more enjoyable. Your life is happening right now…. appreciate what you have and live in the present.

Feel free to use any of these methods and start your mindfulness journey today!

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