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  • Earthworm


    8 hrs ago #Fear #Guilt

    I miss my husband!

    It has been six months since I lost my husband, and the grief is still so raw. I miss him more than words can express. He was my soulmate, my best friend, and the love of my life. I admired him so much. He was kind, compassionate, and always put others before himself. He had a way of making everyone feel seen and heard, and he had a smile that could light up a room. He was my rock, my su45pport system, and my confidant.I loved him more than anything in this world. We had been married for over 15 years, and our love had only grown stronger with time. We were raising two beautiful children together, traveled the world, and built a life full of love and laughter. He was a man of integrity, honesty, and courage. He always stood up for what was right, even when it was difficult. He was a true leader, and I was honored to stand by his side.Now, as I remember him, I am flooded with memories. I remember the way he used to hold my hand, the sound of his laughter, and the smell of his cologne. I remember the way he used to dance around the kitchen with me, and the way he would always make me a cup of tea before bed.But along with the memories comes the pain of his absence. The ache in my heart that will never fully heal. The realization that I will never hear his voice again, or feel his embrace.I know that time will never fully heal the wound of losing him, but I take comfort in the fact that he will always be with me in spirit. His love will always surround me, and his memory will live on in the hearts of those who knew him.Rest in peace, my love. You will always be remembered and cherished.

  • Richard


    8 hrs ago #Fear #Guilt

    Question for all my girls!!

    My boyfriend refuses to show me his mobile phone. He keeps hiding his photo album and social media accounts. He says we should respect each other’s privacy. I mean, what the hell? Please someone tell me if it is just me or he has something to hide. I hardly care about my phone when he is around. I wouldn’t mind him going through my phone if he wanted to. But, the way he guards his phone is so annoying. We fight about it all the time. He blames me for starting the fight and I blame him for not understanding my perspective. Someone please tell me, if showing your phone to your partner gave them mental peace, wouldn’t you just do it? What is such a big deal? My girls, what do you think?

  • John Doe

    John Doe

    8 hrs ago #Fear #Guilt

    I want to come out. Please Help!

    Hi everyone, I belong to an orthodox Indian family and my father is very strict. I am transgender and want to tell my father how I feel. I want his support. Everybody around me makes fun of me and humiliates me. My father has always protected me but I fear that after knowing that his son wants to be and live like a woman, he will disown me. I love my father very much and really need to talk to him. Can someone please suggest what should I do? How should I tell my father without upsetting him? My mother understands me but is scared of my father. I don’t think she’ll be able to help much. Please let me know how to come out to my father?

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