Community Guidelines

  • Respect each other

    Our community is a safe space for everyone. Please be respectful towards one another, regardless of their background, experiences, or opinions.
  • Keep it confidential

    When sharing personal experiences or information, please respect other members' privacy and keep it within our community..
  • No hate speech or discrimination

    Any form of hate speech, harassment, or discrimination is not tolerated in our community. Please report any such behavior to the moderators.
  • Stay on topic

    Let's keep our conversations relevant to the purpose of this community. Off-topic discussions may be removed.
  • Seek help when needed

    If you or someone you know needs professional help, please seek it. Our community is here to provide support, but it should not replace professional care.
  • Report any issues

    If you notice any issues or have concerns about the community, please report them to the moderators.