Calm the chaos with creativity…

Mar 24

Anita Srinivasan

Renowned painter, Pablo Picasso once said “Art is the elimination of the unnecessary.” We are battling with about a million thoughts throughout the day. Some thoughts are relevant, some are emotional, and some are completely meaningless and unhealthy. Why not use creative solutions to calm the chaos within our minds.


To keep up with the hustle and bustle of life, we put the things that we are passionate about on the back burner. We think there will always be time to pursue our interests, right now I need to work on my career. We run ourselves to the ground to get that next promotion, to push that next sale and in this race, we neglect our mental health.

Pursuing things that we are passionate about gives our minds a much-needed break and helps us decompress after a long, stressful day.

Here are some creative strategies for calming the mind:

  • Pottery:

    Working with your hands and creating things from scratch can be very therapeutic. On the potter’s wheel, your entire focus is on the feel of the clay, its movement and different sensations, which can be very relaxing to the mind. If you love creating things, then consider taking a pottery class.

  • Painting:

    Colors are an analogy we often use to describe our moods. Unleashing your inner feelings on the canvas can make you feel lighter and calmer. The feel of the brush, the texture of the paint and all those vibrant colors can be very uplifting to the mood, thereby helping us deal with those difficult feelings.

  • Music:

    Music has been used as a therapeutic medium since the beginning of time. Learning and playing instruments that interest you can be one of the ways that you express yourself. Music has no language and does not need words for expression. Unwind after a difficult day with a jamming session or simply listen to some jazz blues to chase away those unexpected moods.

  • Woodworking/Designing:

    Carving wood with a chisel and hammer requires a lot of concentration and precision. Designing articles by sketching, then carving them and watching it take shape, can make you feel extremely accomplished. Working with your hands gives you a sense of control over your thoughts and makes you feel good about yourself.

Spend some time every day on something that you are passionate about. Take weekend classes or attend sessions to indulge in hobbies outside of work. When your thoughts and emotions are let loose, using creativity as a form of self-care can change the quality of your thoughts, and you will gain confidence.

So without further ado, go ahead and indulge in any of these creative outlets for mindfulness and find the gateway to lasting mental peace!

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