Doodling my way to recovery and improved mental health

Mar 24

Anita Srinivasan

Laura Cundall is an artist and research facilitator who shared her struggles with bipolar disorder and how she uses doodling as a coping strategy for bipolar, anxiety and depression symptoms.


Laura has been dealing with mental health issues since adolescence. She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at age 20. After diagnosis, she experienced self-loathing, self-doubt, and anxiety. Every day was an emotional rollercoaster for her, and she did not understand how to deal with her anxious thoughts.

She decided to try therapy to navigate through her struggles. Therapy helped her, but she needed an outlet to unleash these thoughts and feelings.

One day she started doodling in her notebook to vent her thoughts and feelings. Whenever she felt low, she would draw to get rid of anxious thoughts. Art helped her cope with bipolar symptoms and gave her mental clarity. Today she is on her road to recovery towards better mental health.

She posts her art on social media and injects humor into them to help others deal with similar issues.

Laura has found a healthy coping mechanism to deal with mental health struggles and also encourages others on social media through her art.

As American lawyer and author Robert Ingersoll once said, “We rise by lifting others.”

By sharing our experiences and journey with people, we can support others in their mental health journey.

Like Laura, you can adopt coping mechanisms like meditation, yoga, painting, pottery, or music to deal with thoughts and situations healthily. Seeking therapy is also a healthy way to deal with conflicting emotions and feelings.

If you do not feel comfortable talking to people, you can post your feelings on Unreveald.

To promote mental health awareness and to support people, we at Unreveald provide space and opportunity for people to have meaningful conversations.

This a judgment-free platform where you can express yourself in your native language anonymously and get insights, advice, and emotional support from peers.

Posting your thoughts can help you get mental clarity and make your voice feel heard. By sharing your story like Laura, you lift others up and offer support through your experiences.

Take that first step toward healing and visit today. Remember, your story matters, and your voices are valued in the community.

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