How to beat anxiety in its own game…

Feb 24

Karunakar Kadari

The term Anxiety in today’s day and age has become a common and misused word. People use the word casually every day and are often misinformed about the actual meaning of it.


A general state of nervousness or something that is worrying is often perceived as anxiety. The lack of proper knowledge of the disorder has diminished the seriousness of it.

So, what does the term Anxiety exactly mean?

Anxiety means experiencing feelings like restlessness, being constantly on edge, avoidance of fearful situations, feelings of shame and embarrassment, feelings of guilt, irritability along with several other physical symptoms.

When a person is anxious, they start overthinking and have difficulty in performing even simple tasks like showering, eating, or even picking up a glass of water. The feeling appears to be so strong in their minds that they feel judged, ashamed and dejected.

According to the World Health Organization, 3.6 percent or about 264 million people in the world suffer from anxiety disorder. Due to this huge statistical data, therapists and mental health professionals suggest that people should make small significant changes in their daily routine that can make them feel calm and relaxed and keep these anxious thoughts at bay.

When thoughts plague your mind and you start feeling like you are losing control of the situation, using the S.T.O.P method can help you overcome anxiety naturally.

  • S - Stop Physically Moving.

    When anxiety hits you, just stop physically moving and take a step back from whatever you are doing. Whenever you start feeling uncomfortable or triggered by any incident, just stop for a second and gauge the situation that you are in.

  • T- Take a breath.

    Inhale for five seconds, pause and then exhale for seven seconds. Focus only on your breathing and not on your surroundings. Take your time and breathe deeply for at least 2 minutes.

  • O- Observe.

    Pay attention to your emotions and any kind of unease that you are experiencing in your body. Observe your heart rate or any restlessness that you are feeling. What kind of emotions are you experiencing? Analyze the nature of your thoughts, whether they are loud, silent, angry or sad.

  • P- Proceed with purpose.

    How can you make yourself feel better in this situation? What is that one manageable thing you can do to get out of feeling this way? Is it food? Is it taking a nap? Is it listening to calming music? What is going to help you calm down and feel relaxed? Proceed with purpose towards that one thing that you think works for you and immediately start doing it.

This method not only gives you control over your unraveling emotions but also helps you tackle anxiety in an effective manner. Practicing methods that are calming and soothing can go a long way in dealing with your anxious thoughts.

In addition to the S.T.O.P method, one can also deal with anxiety by…

  • Calling a friend or a close confidant.
  • Journaling your worries.
  • Relaxing your muscles.
  • Rationalizing your thoughts.
  • Create a nourishing self-care routine- exercising, healthy diet and proper sleep cycle.
  • Create a support group network with like-minded people.

American playwright, Walter Anderson once said, “Our lives improve only when we take chances- the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves.”

Acknowledge and be honest about what you are feeling. Analyze your thoughts and beat the feeling of anxiety with any of these coping methods.

Remember that you are in control, and you can overcome anything that comes your way. No one is you and that is your superpower….

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