Renowned footballer seeks therapy for better mental health

Jan 24

Anita Srinivasan

Today, we want to share a prominent footballer’s mental health story. Ricky Williams, a renowned footballer for the New Orleans Saints, was dealing with social anxiety and immense performance pressure. He explains how he overcame his struggles by seeking help for mental wellness and now leads a peaceful life.


Ricky achieved millionaire status at the age of twenty-three and lacked for nothing. Yet he says he was never more unhappy in life. Due to his football career and fame, he felt lonely and detached from his family and friends.

His career thrust him into the limelight. The media perceived him to be a weird and aloof person. They did not realize that he was dealing with anxiety attacks and nervousness. Speaking to a media person or a fan elevated his anxiety levels, and he found it extremely difficult to deal with public conversations and interviews.

Ricky started researching the root cause of his issues and learned that more than fifteen million people suffer from social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia.

People suffering from social anxiety suffer from an intense fear of being judged by people and suffer from performance pressures and negative evaluations.

One of his close friends realized what Ricky was undergoing and suggested he visit a therapist to unburden his mind and find an effective solution for coping with anxiety.

The therapist diagnosed him and commenced treatment. Initially, Ricky could not even look his therapist in the eye and share his issues. Therapy sessions gave him the confidence to communicate without fear and helped him overcome social phobia.

Therapy has been his road to recovery from social anxiety, Ricky shared. These sessions and anxiety relief techniques have helped him overcome his fear of public speaking and judgment.

Reaching out for help at the right time can alleviate mental suffering and promote healing.

Talking things out with friends can help you get valuable advice and help you find solutions for the situations you are dealing with.

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