Discover the surprising power of AI for better mental health

May 24

Anita Srinivasan

We are surrounded by technology 24/7 throughout the day. From Google Home telling us to wake up at 5 am to Alexa turning off our living room lights, there is no escape from technology. With the recent AI boom, there are some really cool innovations coming our way that will blow our minds. Metaphorically, of course!


With AI, everything can be done in a blink of an eye. Up until last week, I was under the impression that AI is useful only for giving me a ready-made to-do list or coming up with ideas for an office presentation, but did you know AI is useful for mental health diagnosis? Yeah, you heard that right. Well, you read that right!

AI’s predictive analysis feature gives you a heads-up when you are overtly stressed or on the verge of a panic attack. Feeling confused? Let me break it down for you.

Picture this: You wake up feeling off, not your usual self. Maybe you have been feeling a bit down lately or super stressed about work or life in general. Instead of brushing it off or waiting until you have a full-blown mental breakdown, imagine having a virtual AI assistant telling you, Hey! looks like you might need a little pick me up today or feeling overwhelmed? here is a 5-minute meditation session to help you feel calm. Awesome right?

So, how does this exactly work? No, my friends, it's not magic. AI analyzes your online activity, tone in text messages, and recent videos/movies you have been watching to learn about you.

AI collects a mountain of data to analyse those subtle changes in your mood and state of mind. These patterns help in diagnosing mental health issues early on, preventing them from becoming a major concern.

Wait! It's not just your online presence that helps in determining the state of your mental health. AI can peek inside your body too, thanks to wearable devices like smartwatches.

These devices track your heart rate, sleep quality, and activity levels. If there's a sudden change in your stress levels or energy levels, AI will alert you and advise that it's time to take a break.

You might feel this level of monitoring is too invasive, but AI is not watching your every move. It's more like a friend checking in on you to make sure you're okay. Your data is safe and secure, with strict privacy measures in place.

If you are on the verge of an anxiety attack or dealing with symptoms of depression, AI alerts you about the potential problem, allowing you to address these issues by suggesting a therapist near you or a mindfulness practice you can follow to lessen its impact on your mind.

The best part is that AI is constantly learning and improving. It may not be perfect, but when used intentionally, it can prove to be a helpful companion.

At Unreveald, we encourage conversations about mental health and also talk about how technology can be used to make our minds a happy place to live in. Whether you are feeling down or have a happy memory to share, come join our virtual community and talk to people about your experiences.

And guess what our platform is AI powered too. We use AI to keep bullies and negative comments away. You can be vulnerable, and raw and no one will judge you for that. Make friends, post a thought, or simply find someone to talk to.

With anonymous sharing get rid of your emotional burdens whenever you feel overwhelmed and say hello to a healthy, happy, and positive mind.

Do tell us how you feel about using AI for mental health. Log on to and start posting today!

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